This website exposes a targeted smear campaign against me, Frank Berger – a systematically planned strategy built on false claims and fabricated accusations.
At its core lies the C-Type scandal, which the Jägles are using to complete the dirty work of those who try to destroy me since 2019 – aiming to unlawfully seize LYNX.
But now, the documented facts come to light.
Here is the last available version
(Feb. 2025) of the impermissible Jägle website:
"My name is Frank Berger – CEO of the true, original LYNX.
I remained silent for a long time. Not because I had nothing to say – but because I was no longer able to defend myself. For years, my family and I have been under attack – primarily because they are trying to take LYNX from me. But now I am rising again.
"Courage isn't having the strength to go on; it is going on when you don't have strength!" Napoleon Bonaparte
With immense financial investment, hard work, and great personal sacrifices, I have spent the past eight years developing and advancing LYNX. While I have invested everything to preserve and expand the legacy of LYNX, unscrupulous individuals have repeatedly and deliberately sabotaged my work—with lies, intrigue, and deceitful schemes. But now, the truth is coming to light."
The Truth About the Jägle Scandal – Why I Am Now Fighting Back!
For years, the Jägle family and their accomplices have been running a ruthless smear campaign against me. They have deliberately used the press, their website, and behind-the-scenes manipulation and intrigue. Their goal is not just to defame me – they want to destroy me psychologically, financially, and professionally, so they can illegally take over LYNX.
Now that the truth is coming to light, they have quietly taken their website offline – hoping that no one will investigate. But every version of this website has been secured. Their lies will not disappear.
The Jägle family deliberately used a manipulable website to inflict maximum damage on me while continuously adapting their statements whenever they felt cornered. This alone is proof that they knew from the start that they were spreading false claims. The Jägle Website constituted a clear trademark infringement and was impermissible online for more than a year.
Their Devious Strategy:
Wolfgang and Andreas Jägle have incited my business partners against me and are even actively attempting to manipulate customers into suing me—or worse.
The C-Type Scandal:
A central element of their campaign is the C-Type scandal – a story that has been manipulated and twisted from start to finish to portray me as a thief and fraudster.
The Facts Are:
This deliberate deception was no coincidence—it was part of a calculated scheme to ruin me and unlawfully seize LYNX. But now, their lies are being exposed.
Contrary to what the Jägle family is spreading publicly, there is still NO court ruling or legal clarification regarding this C-Type or the C-Types.
What the Jägle Family Is Deliberately Hiding:
But Their Plan Went Even Further:
Wolfgang & Andreas Jägle did not randomly team up with Johannes Adolf Schilcher. They knew exactly that Schilcher and his accomplices had already tried to destroy me back in 2019. They believed that, with their "respectable name," they could bring this dirty game to completion – this time, successfully.
It is all part of a devious plan. A plan not only designed to cause me financial harm but also to completely destroy my family and my name, making LYNX worthless to me.
They want everyone to turn away from me.
Customers, business partners, investors and even friends—their strategy is to portray me as a failure, incompetent, and criminal so that, in the end, no one will work with me anymore.
Justice and Media – A One-Sided Narrative:
This smear campaign would never have reached such proportions if both the press and the judiciary had not done exactly what the Jägle family and their accomplices wanted:
Once before, the Ingolstadt judiciary issued an injunction against me based on the Jägle family's statements – without knowing the full background. There were legal proceedings, and the Jägle family's lawsuit was dismissed. I hope that this time, rash decisions will not be made again because I have airtight evidence for everything.
One thing is already clear: The Jägle family and their allied criminals will not stop. Just as they have hidden behind lies, manipulation, and deliberately fabricated accusations in the past, they will do so again. They will once more attempt to discredit me with smear campaigns, take my past out of context, and use every possible means to silence this website.
This Website Will Remain Online – And With Every Lie They Spread, It Will Grow!
This website serves to inform the public and is based exclusively on verifiable facts and documented evidence.
All content published here is legally provable and can be presented at any time.
If you have relevant information or have been affected yourself, contact us.
This website will also be continuously updated with additional information, evidence, and revelations in the coming days. If you want to know how deep this devious conspiracy really goes—stay tuned!
Frank Berger, CEO LYNX
This website serves solely to clarify verifiable events and is based on documented evidence. All content published here can be substantiated at any time in court or before the authorities. This publication is made in the legitimate interest of truth and as a defense against targeted defamation campaigns.